lördag 22 maj 2010


I have to give my deepest apologies about my absence in the blogosphere.
Even though I don't have many readers, I hope that the few ones will be interested in this update.
I have had a hectic year since my last update.
With a course that I am repeating due to petty circumstances, I have had alot of exams and credits, and since it's the end of the semester, I have had to put all my time into studying.
But fear not, my reviews of the Star Wars movies will keep coming, and also some more movie reviews.

I will also try to add some of my thoughts of other things, so vent off the pressure and thoughts that build up in me everyday.
See, I think too much, everyday. I think too much for my own good.
It's good in a way; I will make an excellent doctor one day. I will never miss any detail about the patient. Hell, I have already as a med student found three symptoms in three patients which the doctors have missed, one of them who were essential for the treatment.
But when it comes to my personal life, it's an issue. I care too much sometimes, and that makes me so tired many days.

I am not a person that demands that if I do something good for someone, that they should do it back, but in the same time, I don't understand how people can be so selfish sometimes, even when it comes to minor favors.

But in the end, as I am content in being the man I have become, I have no worries in the world.
I help out because I think that it's the best thing to do in my conscience, and I do the things I do because of that it feels right. No one will ever make me believe that I am wrong.

At Thursday, I bought myself a bottle of Scotch, and a fine cigar. I am a man that likes his beer, but loves his Scotch. Once a week I put some ice in a glass, and pour some Scotch in it.
I let it stay for around 5 minutes, and then I start to slowly drink it.
It's not about getting drunk. It's about feeling the flavors of the Scotch in your mouth, trying to feel the different tastes. Every Scotch is different.
Sure Chivas Regal, Jim Beam, and the Famous Grouse are good Scotch, but I like to buy less known labels, or just ones with obscure titles and try them out.
My favorite so far is Old Smuggler, a fine Scotch indeed, with a smoky flavor, and it's very pleasant to swallow. It doesn't have that cheap Scotch flavor. It's also in the cheaper price class, and I guess that it's the labeling that scares people away.
So far I can say from my experiences, that Jack Daniel's is a piece of shit Scotch, and the only reason why it's so famous is because of the marketing and ads that are everywhere.
The price is too high on this Scotch that is too overpriced.

Anyhow, about Thursday, I snipped the end of the cigar, and lit it with a match (remember, on a machine rolled cigar, snip it in a "v" form, on a hand rolled one, snip it around the circumference at the end, and never use gasoline or gas fueled lighters, their gas will contaminate the taste of the cigar. Often it's not a "piece of shit cigar", but your own mistake that the cigar tastes bad).
The combination of the cigar and the Scotch was wonderful.
I sat there, on a comfy chair in my balcony, with some good music on, with my Scotch and my cigar, and I have never been so relaxed in my life.
I didn't think one thought, I just restarted by brain. It was better than a night's sleep, I tell ya.

And another thing: If you ever think that you aren't capable of something, think about the 13 year old Jordan Romero, that in his life has climbed up Mount Kilimanjaro, and now recently, Mount Everest. His goal is to have climbed up the Seven Summits.
If he can do something that extraordinary, maybe you can too.
Reading stories like this reminds me that maybe you can pursue your dreams to their fullest, as far as you have your heart and mind with you all the time.
Have a weak moment, and you risk of losing it all.

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