To start with, I am writing this review not as a fan (because of that I am not that much of a fan for the moment), but as a normal person, watching this movie for the second time. So there won't be any fanwanking nor any unhealthy bursts of anger. Well, almost. You'll see what I mean later.
Let me just state something from the beginning, since this movie is the first movie to be released in over 20 years since Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, you can instantly see the changes regarding CGI, and special effects.
Truth is, that there is only one single scene in this movie that there are no special effects added, and it's in a scene where there is steam coming out of some pipes.
So let's start the review!
We start with our two Jedi knights, Obi-Wan and Qui-gon (with Obi Wan still being a Padawan), being sent to negotiate over a blockade that has occured over the Planet Naboo.
Whilst being there, they get attacked, and find out that they have to take Queen Amidala of Naboo to a safer place.
They escape into the planet, where they find Jar Jar Binks. I will lash out on him later, don't worry.
They manage to take themselves to the princess, and when they all try to flee, a part of their ship is damaged.
They land on the planet Tatooine, where they search for spare parts, a certain one that is expensive. They go to a shop, where they meet young Anakin Skywalker, a slave-boy who helps out in the shop. They also find out that their republican currency is worthless there, so they are stranded on the planet.
Anakin offers them to stay at his place, and they find out that he has built his own podracer, and eventually they make a deal with the owner of the spare-part shop that if Anakin wins, they will take boy with them, and also the spare part for the ship.
If they lose, they will have to give away their ship and also the podracer.
Why do they want Anakin then? Well, because of his blood containing lots of chylomicrons (if I remember the name correctly), meaning that he has an abnormally high amount of the Force inside of him. Simply, Anakin could be the "chosen one", who is supposed to gain balance to the force.
But something has bugged the crap out of me, it's clear that Luke Skywalker is the chosen one, and that he is the one bringing balance to the force when he takes care of the Sith, but I'll ramble about that in my review of Episode VI.
So, Anakin wins the race, and they all leave. They decide to fight the blockade by force by taking control over Naboo, and via uniting with Jar Jar's people, and we witness a long battle where Anakin somehow gets into a Tie Fighter and kicks ass, and Obi Wan and Qui-gon fight Darth Maul.
In the end everything goes fine, and Anakin starts his training to become a Jedi, and during the movie he becomes friends with the princess( known as the servant "Padme" for most of the movie).
Overall, the movie contained too much talk and less action. To rephrase Elvis: "A little less conversation, a little more action, please!".
Although the introduction into the world of the Jedi was very interesting, it could be too much talk about politics and other unimportant stuff.
About the special effects: Were they that necessary? The "previous" movies didn't contain that much effects, and they did fine, and they looked more realistic.
Some of the Jedi fights, like when they jumped looked too unrealistic.
About the music: it was absolutely wonderful, and they managed to mix in some of the tunes from the latter half of the Episodes into some good Star Wars-esque tones.
The actors were well chosen, and Liam Neeson was very convincing in his role as Qui-gon, and Evan McGregor was as usual very good as the young Obi-Wan, playing the young and unexperienced Jedi very well.
Natalie Portman altered really well between her roles as the servant Padme and Queen Amidala, and being already a seasoned actress (by the age of 15, she had already played the role of someone's wife), she nailed it, simply.
We did get to see Samuel L. Jackson in the Jedi council, and speaking with Yoda, and it made me to look forward to Episode II.
Jake Lloyd played his role as Anakin Skywalker well, but there wasn't that much of a "wow" feeling there. He did his part, and it was adequate.
I have to note that when I first watched this movie, I didn't know that this was a prequel to the original trilogy, so I got confused. But watching this another time I perfectly understood, and felt dumb.
About Jar Jar Binks, what the hell, George Lucas? The only thing he did was being in the way and speaking like a retard? He was mostly a retard through the whole movie, just to be suddenly promoted as a general, and what's even worse [spoiler] he represents Queen Amidala in the second movie, and he seems seasoned and smart there! [/spoiler] What the hell!
He seems to be that character that you can just put wherever you want, like some kind of straight opposite of a Deus Ex Machina.
Well, overall, I would give the movie a 6/10, but that's mostly because of the plot and the CGI, but the actors and the scenery were good.
See you later with a review of Episode II!
Honestly Jar Jar is a weird add-in of a character. I thought he spoke funny but other than that he just was "in the way" if you get what I mean. And Jar Jar becomes General Binks? Come on!