onsdag 2 december 2009

The one with the suck

Even though you can't really have a bad day without bad things happening to you, you can indeed have a sucky day, knowing of it even one year beforehand.
In my case, I've known it ever since this semester has started. This sucky day, double the suck, because of that it both sucks and sucks out your energy.
The day I am speaking about is Thursday.
Every Thursday we have the following Schedule:

08.00 - 11.15: Block
13.30 - 15.00: Pediatrics lecture
15.30 - 17.45: Patomorphology labs
18.00 - 19.30: Pharmacology lecture

So until 19.30, we have 3 hours free, but at a very uneven scale. They expect us to go to all the lectures and the labs. Like I've got the energy.
Today, Thursday will suck less. We won't have Patomorphology labs, which leads me to skip the suckiest lecture of them all: Pediatrics lecture.
It's just so boring and the lecture hall is so small, hot and oxygen-deprived.
We have obligatory presence during those lectures, and they expect that all 50 students in our class should show up in a lecture hall that only fits 36 students, going by the seats.

Fucking idiocy.

So, simply I'll only have Blocks in Cardiology and pharmacology labs today. Between those hours I'm going to be home, studying on some interesting things instead.

Other sucky days can be if you get noticed beforehand that some boring relative is going to visit and that you'll have to be home and talk to them and all that shit, even though you have nothing in common, or maybe a guest, a friend of your mothers, who is a total ass sometimes and doesn't even understand you speaking the same language because of some foreign words being thrown in (which she should know after 20 years in the foreign country with the foreign language).
Or when you have to go to a trip when you don't want to, as an example when the destination is the same, but the plans are changed to such an extent that you don't think it's going to be fun.
At least I'll always have beer in those moments to soothe the pain in my soul.

On another note, I have found myself going to sleep at 8pm and waking up at 4am. And I like it. Sweet.

I also checked wikileaks'(http://wikileaks.org/) transcripts with text messages from a time-span 5 hours before and 5 hours after the 9/11 attacks, and found that there could have been some filtering done, as only 20% of the text there was text messages.
And actually, when checking the messages, only the ones approximately 10-15 minutes after the attack showed that people had noticed the attack.
Then it cooled down around the evening and no more notions. Also, people were still writing texts of the type "I need a fax sent to corporate right away, Adam" during the attack, unknowing of the events.

But yeah...some filtering would have been nice.
Check it out at: http://911.wikileaks.org/

Bye to y'all. I may add another post soon.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Unwanted visitors always suck big time... well, when you don't like the person visiting you that is.
